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Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's been quite some time since i updated my blog. just changed my blogskins recently. hahas. lol. today i slept throughout the day and felt so good. omg. looks like a lazy pig. lol. though today is sunday and i didn't wanted to go out, but feel so restless staying at home. cause ling ling yesterday flew off to thailand le. i'm like missing her le. missing the day whereby we both hangs out together, the nights whereby we tons together, the many days whereby we slacks together, the many times whereby we have our meals together. the joy, fun, laughters, cries, ups and downs we shared. hahas(: don't know if she doing good over there. wonder if chee hao got hao hao the protect her not. i'm saying all this cause she is my truly close friend. i want her to be back safely. hehe(: beside all these, i have been feeling unhappy lately. cause of something and someone but i don't wish to talk much about it cause i realise nothing will help ease that pain. just wish that all will come to fade and happy days will come to fill.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Past 2weeks already. and evrything is so uncertain and not confrim yet. as in the feeling i had in me is not good at all. times to times, really feel so uncertain about myself. quite a bad emotion to question myself, why i'm allowing this bad emotions to overtake my happy mood. is like going through many ups and downs. trying to figure out what's the solution to fix the puzzling heart of mine. maybe, i've let myself sink into the deepest well, that i sweared i never want to get. don't know why i'm choosing to face it. telling myself to be more sober. but, i'm getting so deadbeat out of it. people keep asking me how is it going on, but, i don't know how to explain. cause even myself is also so uncertain about it. not even sure if it continues this way, is it right? don't wanna think about it. cause feel so restless after many thoughts about it. at times, i wondered if it a true and real feeling. or is it just my feeling of unreality. maybe it's only my one side of wishful thinking. and a few times, tears start flowing unsteadily through my heart, till i'm out of energy to think anymore. i don't wanna it to be so insecure or maybe even not at the least of happy. promises can be made just like lies can be told. but once everything is spilled out of the bottle, all fairytales are over. and the days of happy is to be tear down and the days of sorrow is to be put up. i can say that this story of mine is nothing to be mention. cause end of it, all is just nothing but a lie. a show to be acted and a game to be lost.